The Hidden Meaning Behind Emoji Heart Colors

Reading Time: 2 minutes

One of the most essential aspects of being human is our ability to communicate. This fundamental skill allows us to build relationships and deepen them in extraordinary ways.

If you stop to think about it, the way we communicate has significantly evolved over the years. A century ago, lengthy conversations were the norm, but today, our interactions often occur in brief spurts, if that.

Another prevalent way we communicate today is through social media. This modern form of interaction often involves writing a short message and adding an emoji to convey our emotions more effectively.

Among the myriad of emojis, heart emojis are particularly popular. But did you know that each heart color carries a unique meaning? Understanding these meanings can help you express yourself more meaningfully:

Red: The red heart is the classic symbol of romantic love. It’s also used to show gratitude or simply to let someone know you care. When in doubt, the red heart is a safe bet.

Yellow: Want to express love to a friend without romantic connotations? The yellow heart is perfect for conveying platonic love to friends and family.

Orange: If you wish to send a romantic red heart but feel shy, the orange heart serves as a subtle alternative, hinting at romance without the direct intensity of red.

Blue: Have a friend who truly understands you? A blue heart symbolizes a deep, trustworthy relationship.

Purple: Use the purple heart carefully, as it can imply an intimate or romantic connection. With someone who knows the color meanings, it might signal a willingness for deeper affection.

White: The white heart is less common but significant, used to express sympathy. It’s important to avoid using it with any racial implications.

Brown: The brown heart is often used by individuals with brown or black skin tones. If your skin is white, it’s safer to stick with the red heart to avoid any potential miscommunication.

Black: The black heart signifies a profound connection, often used in deep or long-lasting relationships. It’s best reserved for someone very special and not for new relationships.